These henna-inspired tattoos created by M∙A∙C Cosmetics Senior Artist, Chantel Miller for the Rodarte show just may be the coolest temp body art I've ever seen. Love it! (images via MAC)
I had the great pleasure of working with some of my favorite style bloggers for a piece on SheKnows and it's finally up! Each of the lovely ladies modeled their perfect outfit for a first date and explained why it's their pick. Check out the whole piece to get all of their insight! Big thanks to Emily, Jessica, Keiko, Maegan and Rebecca for taking part!
I don't remember where I stumbled across this image but I found it a month or two back and saved it for inspiration for my desk space in my new apartment. I love love love the organized chaos. And joy of joys my new apartment is almost here! I move Friday!
Drat! This is what I get for spending so much time away from my computer (poo on you karma)... I am head over heels for The Glamourai's necklace here but of course by the time I'd gotten to The Glamporium it had been snatched up.
I do quite like this lion necklace which is still there. It reminds me a bit of an ancient Chinese coin I have strung up on a chain. Except, you know, more stylish.
I am loving these cards from Other Such Things, which Modish posted last week as perfect for housewarming notes. And for those keeping score at home, we found the perfect new apartment and signed the lease on Friday! We couldn't be more thrilled. Unfortunately until I'm all moved in in a few weeks posting will probably continue to be sparse, but I promise to be back swinging soon!
Tuneage has been posting older tunes as of late giving me the perfect excuse to cue up one of my all-time favorites: the creeptastic "Lotion" by Greenskeepers, which homage-s the famous scene in Silence of the Lamb in which Buffalo Bill tells his captive to rub on the lotion. Disturbing? Yes. But beyond catchy.
I love how MMM takes inspiration from everyday trinkets to make fine jewelry. I was crazy about that cork necklace last winter and then when I saw that gem necklace on Yes Please Mademoiselle, I had to go hunting for new offerings. Less abundant online now that eLuxury has left us, however I did find this airplane pin on Saks, which made me smile to think of my childhood excitement over plastic wings pins from flight attendants.
I'm crazy about the Uniform Project. Not only because Sheena provides an endless stream of inspiration for remixing my wardrobe but also because it introduces me to so many wonderful Etsy sellers. This lacy necklace is by Tree & Kimball and I've been ooh-ing and aah-ing over their lovely creations since I clicked over to their shop.
Forever has an end after all. My roomie and I's lease on our teeny tiny apartment is finally up at the end of this month so we've been off running looking for a new place. Unfortunately this means that posting may be a bit sparse while we're hunting. Here's to hoping that the new place is bigger than this shoebox we live in now! (image via)
Having noticed that my personal style has become blaaaaah I'm on a mission to start dressing as if I take some vague pride on my appearance. Unfortunately I lack the vision to do so so I've been scanning Weardrobe for inspiration (read: outfits to rip off... imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...)
Anyways I came across this girl Tavi and she is so ridiculously fashionable. How?? Okay I'm going to feel really stoopid if she's actually like my age but seriously how cute is she.
I love lockets so I suppose it's only natural that I l-o-v-e lots of lockets! I'm oooh-ing and aaah-ing over this Locket Garden Necklace or Bracelet (love that it can be worn either way!) from one of my favorite Etsy jewelry shops Blue Moss. So fun!
I just adore these classic childhood tales in papercut print form from Elsita. Here we have Little Red Riding Hood, Mary had a little lamb, Peter Pan, three little pigs, and Alice in Wonderland. Only $7 each!
I finally got a chance to get caught up on this season of Entourage and my oh my am I loving Sloane's super hot gender bender outfit here. I plan on attempting to make this my own sometime this week... we'll see how it turns out...
I am a caffeine fiend (I call Diet Coke my elixir of life) so I couldn't have been more excited to see this caffeine molecule necklace from Molecular Muse on the Etsy front page a few days. What a wonderfully geeky gift! Other molecular representations in the shop include serotonin, dopamine and theobromine.
Hello! My name is Erica and I love looking for beautiful things- especially on Etsy. Just a place to share! Please feel free to write to me at ecm286 [@]